New Beginnings

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.”

John 3:16-17 NKJV

Do you remember the holiday song by Alvin and the Chipmunks? It was a catchy, merry festive tune at Christmas that gleefully proclaimed, “Christmas, Christmas time is here — time for fun and time for cheer!” I always looked forward to hearing that cute rendition of a song on the radio each Christmas. It made me feel lively and happy. It brought joy to my heart. Those high-spirited little chipmunks just seemed to call it right. Christmas is the time for fun and cheer! But, the whole truth is that it is time for fun and cheer all year through because the very first Christmas came and went more than two-thousand years ago with the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. That brings me everlasting joy!

And It’s Not Over!

This year on December 30th as I was packing up my Christmas decorations from my front porch, a friendly, but rather downhearted, passerby said to me, “I guess it’s all over now?” That startled me. Quite frankly, it threw me a little off-balance. But, at the same time, it challenged me to come up with a hopeful answer to his dismal question. I’m pleased that I quickly and strongly rendered the right response — “No, actually the décor is over, but Jesus Christ, Who is the reason for the season, lives on and on forever.” That was the end of our short post-Christmas encounter. He went on his gloomy way without looking back. I unfortunately didn’t have more time to discuss the real meaning of Christmas with that person. But, if I had, I would have explained the reasons why it’s not “all over now”. Christmas is only the start of a new beginning. Because Jesus Christ was born, Christmas represents a whole new opportunity for life-saving change throughout the rest of our lives, beginning now and forever!

Bringing Hope and Peace …

New Beginnings! That IS a life-saving thought! Not only do new beginnings save our lives from our past, but presently change our lives well into the future, provided we stay the course. New beginnings bring renewed hope and restored peace. With passionate, truth-inspired beliefs and correct choices we can gain a new and permanent (“everlasting”) way of life that guarantees us a life full of hope and peace. Christ’s birth into our world, which we celebrate each Christmas, offers each of us that hopeful, peaceful life marked by new beginnings.

Yes, Christmas with its ornamental trees, wreaths, and other decorations has now passed, but the reason for our seasonal celebration, Jesus Christ, has not! He is God’s lasting Gift to the world that “through Him [we] might be [everlastingly] saved.” We might be everlastingly restored. We might stay everlastingly hopeful and peaceful. You might feel that remaining joyous, hopeful, and peaceful for your lifetime, or for even a day, is beyond your reach. But, the fact is it isn’t. You simply have to accept God’s Word in John 3:16-17 that Christ was born to bring us that graspable truth, that intensely hopeful and uplifting joy. Then, your life will remain changed forever with a new beginning! A new peace!

Promises to Hold on To …

The Apostle Paul said, “Remember that Christ came as a servant to show that God is true to the promises he made to [our] ancestors.” (Romans 15:8) All of the many promises of God are found in the Holy Bible. Therefore, knowing God’s faithful and trustworthy promises, allows us to realize the hope and peace that Christ brings with His birth.

When I reflect daily on God’s promises of His presence, love, wisdom, guidance, deliverance, providence, healing, protection, joy (no matter what), patience, forgiveness, redemption, salvation, and so many others I immediately feel amazing hope and restful peace. I feel joy, no matter what my circumstances.

Additionally, a major promise that I hold dear is found in the Psalms: “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand. Psalms 37:23-24 NLT. The Lord is our God Who cares about every detail of our lives and He promises to be with us through every day and night of each and every year. We can be absolutely sure that God is always holding our hands as we potentially stumble through every moment of our lives. He lifts us up to regain steadfast balance and direction. If that is not a truth to hold on to, I’m not sure what is! All of God’s promises give me tremendous joy, hope, and peace.

An Everlasting, Perpetual, Recycle

At Christmas, we recognize our new, hopeful life with Christ. And, as promised in God’s Word, that hopefulness is everlasting. As we end one year celebrating the meaning of Christ’s birth into our world, we then perpetually start each new year with God’s steadfast promises. Therefore, every year, January 1st marks the start of a new beginning with its fresh start and perpetual, joyful hope. Because of Christ, we are everyday, forever offered a chance to clinch God’s enduring promises in our hands. And, as the new year is comprised of new days, each new day with its beautiful sunrise offers the same. The glow of each new day shines brightly on each new reason for joy.

The days turning into years are new beginnings continually sustaining themselves. A perpetual recycling, if you will. God and His promises, secured through Jesus Christ, are with us every time we wake up to a new sunrise. Each new year and new day with its beautiful sunrise represent a chance for new beginnings. Daily, our new beginning is freshly within our reach. It is there for our taking. It is up to us to grasp hold of it. It never changes. It constantly renews itself as our everlasting hope, joy, and peace. We just have to accept the truth of our new beginnings that God so plainly promised within the meaning of His Word found in John 3:16-17: “That God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son… … “. Believe in that! It is the One Truth, securing all others, which bring hope, joy, and peace into our hearts, minds, and lives. Steadfastly hold on to it!